经消弧线圈接地比高 |
添加时间:2022/9/17 14:58:58 浏览次数: |
经消弧线圈接地比高阻接地优势是在于消弧线圈能提供电感电流补偿短路时的电容电流,从设备角度来说,同样的设备,使用过补偿能更快、更好的消除瞬时单相短路产生的电容电流,避免发展成相间和匝间故障,而高阻接地则只能降低电流,但可能出现过电压的情况。 The greatest advantage of arc suppression coil grounding over high resistance grounding is that arc suppression coil can provide inductance current to compensate short circuit capacitive current. From the point of view of equipment, the same equipment can eliminate capacitive current produced by instantaneous single-phase short circuit faster and better, avoid developing into inter-phase and inter-turn faults, and higher. Resistance grounding can only reduce current, but overvoltage may occur. 同时消弧线圈接地也利于继电保护的配合,使北京纯水设备 保定网站制作 排水槽模具用消弧线圈接地的三次谐波保护较高阻接地保护范围大,因此从理论角度上看,消弧线圈接地要优于高阻接地 At the same time, arc suppression coil grounding is also conducive to the coordination of relay protection. The third harmonic protection using arc suppression coil grounding has a wide range of higher resistance grounding protection, so theoretically, arc suppression coil grounding is better than high resistance grounding |
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