Single-phase grounding in the operation of the generator in, is the most common fault, the fault point in arc grounding will further expand the stator winding insulation damage core burn sintering, even if not found in time and rapid removal of the fault, and will become or interturn short circuit. Based on the above reasons, the combination of high resistance grounding and resistance cabinet in generator is used to limit the grounding current and prevent all kinds of overvoltage. Neutral point grounding through the resistor and resistance ark can limit the fault current to the appropriate value, improve the sensitivity of relay protection on the trip, and also make the point of failure may occur only local minor burns, the transient overvoltage limit to 2.6 times that of the normal line voltage on the neutral point voltage and restrict arc renewed, prevent damage of gap arc over-voltage master device, which can effectively prevent ferroresonance overvoltage at the same time, to ensure the resistance generator can be safe and normal operation of the cabinet.
At present, many industries have special requirements for over-voltage protector, and over-voltage protector for a new type of protection device, usually is mainly used for the generator, transformer, vacuum switch, motor, electrical equipment, such as insulation protection, from the overvoltage of equipment instrument damage. Resistance ark on the one hand, the sensitivity and selectivity of relay protection has enough, at the same time, make the point of failure only mild local damage can occur, limit the transient over-voltage 26 times the normal to the line to neutral voltage, prevent arc reigniting, avoid arc grounding overvoltage damage of main equipment, enlarge the accident. On the other hand, the resistance of the resistance to the ferromagnetic resonance is shown to be effective. |