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Function of transformer grounding resistance cabinet: The common grounding modes of neutral point in China's power system include direct grounding of neutral point, non-grounding of neutral point, grounding of neutral point through arc suppression coil (resonance grounding), and grounding of neutral point through resistance. The grounding operation mode of power system involves many important issues such as safe operation of power grid, reliability of power supply, safety of user's power, etc. The resistance grounding of neutral point is to connect a resistor in series between neutral point and ground in power grid. Properly choosing the resistance value of the resistor can not only release the energy of half wave after single-phase grounding arc, thus reducing the possibility of arc reburning, restraining the radiation value of overvoltage in power grid, but also improve the sensitivity of relay protection device to act on tripping, thus effectively protecting the normal operation of the system


  1. 保定奥兰电气科技有限责任公司
  2. 电话:0312-3235187 3235177
  3. 邮箱:aoldq@163.com
  4. 地址:河北省保定市乐凯南大街

版权 © 保定奥兰电气科技有限责任公司  网址:http://dianzugui.37ix.com.cn 推荐:中性点接地电阻柜、变压器中性点接地电阻柜

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