

手机:0312-3235187 3235177



变压器中性点接地电阻柜可靠性高,一般不需要专门停电维护,建议利用站内主变或母线停电检修的机会进行检查维护,检查维护时必须严格执行安全操作规程和安全工作规程; 将电阻柜从系统上断开; 打开柜门,直接查看箱内有无异常;进行清洁处理。
The neutral grounding resistance cabinet of the transformer has high reliability and generally does not need special power outage maintenance. It is recommended to use the opportunity of power outage maintenance of the main transformer or bus in the station to carry out inspection and maintenance. During inspection and maintenance, the safety operation regulations and safety work regulations must be strictly implemented; the resistance cabinet shall be disconnected from the system; the cabinet door shall be opened to directly check whether there is any abnormality in the cabinet; the cleaning shall be carried out.

保定平面设计培训 收费岛模具 挡土墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞护栏模具 大棚遮阳网 遮阴网

The transformer neutral grounding resistance cabinet is made of high-quality stainless steel or stainless steel electrothermal metal material, which has high conductivity, high temperature coefficient, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, strong oxidation resistance, high tensile strength, stable resistance value and other excellent features, safe and reliable operation of the product. In the medium voltage distribution system, if the transformer is connected in a triangle way, it is necessary to install a Z-type grounding transformer so as to manually lead out the neutral point for the system and install a neutral point grounding resistance cabine


  1. 保定奥兰电气科技有限责任公司
  2. 电话:0312-3235187 3235177
  3. 邮箱:aoldq@163.com
  4. 地址:河北省保定市乐凯南大街

版权 © 保定奥兰电气科技有限责任公司  网址:http://dianzugui.37ix.com.cn 推荐:中性点接地电阻柜、变压器中性点接地电阻柜

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