聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛
There are four common neutral grounding modes in China's power system:
neutral direct grounding, neutral non grounding, neutral grounding
through arc suppression coil (resonant grounding) and neutral grounding
through resistance. The grounding operation mode of power system
involves many important problems, such as the safe operation of power
grid, power supply reliability, user power safety and so on. In terms of
professional technology, it involves many fields, such as power system,
overvoltage and insulation coordination, relay protection,
communication and automatic control, electromagnetic compatibility,
grounding design and so on. Transformer neutral grounding resistance
cabinet is a complete set of grounding equipment including grounding
transformer, which can be installed in auxiliary power system of power
plant, power supply system of substation and distribution system of
industrial and mining enterprises to realize that these power grids
adopt the system operation mode of neutral grounding through resistanc