

手机:0312-3235187 3235177



The earthing transformer is called earthing transformer. According to the filling medium, grounding transformer can be divided into oil and dry type. According to the number of phases, the earthing transformer can be divided into three phase grounding and single-phase grounding.
Three-phase grounding transformer grounding transformer is the role of lead in the system for a given connection or Y connection not neutral, neutral point grounding for Petersen coil or resistor, such transformer with Z connection, different from ordinary transformer is divided into two groups, each phase coil respectively around the reverse the magnetic pole, the benefits of this connection is zero flux along the magnetic pole and zero flux circulation, ordinary transformer is leakage along the magnetic flow, so the zero sequence impedance of Z type grounding transformer is very small (10 or so), while the ordinary transformer is much greater. In accordance with the regulations, the capacity of an arc suppression coil with a common transformer shall not exceed 20% of the capacity of the transformer. The Z type transformer can be equipped with 90% to 100% capacity arc suppression coil. The grounding transformer can be carried out with the arc suppression coil, or with two loads. It can replace the used transformer and save investment cost.
Single phase grounding transformer: single-phase grounding is mainly used for neutral point grounding resistance cabinet with neutral point generator and transformer, so as to reduce the cost and volume of the resistance cabinet.


  1. 保定奥兰电气科技有限责任公司
  2. 电话:0312-3235187 3235177
  3. 邮箱:aoldq@163.com
  4. 地址:河北省保定市乐凯南大街

版权 © 保定奥兰电气科技有限责任公司  网址:http://dianzugui.37ix.com.cn 推荐:中性点接地电阻柜、变压器中性点接地电阻柜
